The update, which has been waiting for a long time, finally came out not only on the official servers, but also on a private server – Null’s Brawl. As always, everything that was in the June update was included in the update Nuls Took. Namely: new chromatic fighter Otis, new skins from the “Depths of the Sea”: Pharootis, Shark Colt, Coral Belle, Octopus Fung, Postman Brock, DJ EMZ, Edgar Tata, Havs Chimmy, Bibi RJ, Sandy Koya, Jackie Cooky, Bull Mang, Tick Shooky and more, animated icons and balance changes. Well, since Janet’s bravler recently appeared on the server, the history of her origin is presented below. And you can download the new version from the links at the end of the post.
Janet’s Fighter Story
After Edgar lost his memory and became an evil doctor, he managed to significantly harm the arena. And to take into their ranks such bravlers as Sprout, now there is no news about him, he seems to have disappeared for a while. Therefore, the Brawl Stars Arena had to continue living as before. But fans and ordinary viewers began to be afraid to go to fights, because no one knew when Dr. Edgar would attack. They were afraid for their lives. Of course, a lot depended on the fans – there are no spectators, so there is nothing to pay the bravlers with. Advertising contracts do not bring as much money as fans who love and go to see their idols.
Council of Fighters

The council was puzzled as to how to lure people into the arena so that they, as before, began to attend battles. True, no one in the council could give good ideas and therefore had to turn to the bravlers. Having gathered everyone and everything, the council of fighters told about the problem that had arisen and asked for help. Whoever can figure out how to motivate the audience to come to the arena and watch the fights will receive a prize. The fighters were interested in this. And so during the week, a lot of fighters came to the council with ideas on how to interest the audience, but none of the ideas liked the council.
A sensible offer

On the last day, STU came to the council and offered to build a huge attraction in the arena, where it would be possible to perform all kinds of tricks. The council asked what the meaning of this building was, everyone had already seen what tricks STU was doing. To which he replied that he was not going to show tricks, he would be in charge, and all willing fighters would perform. This place will be called the stunt show and the one who can show the best stunt skills and, in addition, the audience will like it, will be able to become a new brawler.

So Janet appeared at the Bravl Stars arena, showing the best tricks and wowing all the spectators!
Download Null’s Brawl with Otis
It’s coming soon!